Oil-Free and Sugar-Free Diet Wholesale:
Interested in becoming an EMD Wholesaler? If you become an EMD Wholesaler you will be able to resell all of our 100% diet-approved wholesale items, such as dressings, sauces, spices, books, and so much more!
If you do not already have a wholesale account established, please download and submit the New Wholesale Account Packet OR contact a Wholesale Specialist by phone at 888-389-0622 or by e-mail at info@EMDistributing.com.
The benefits of the EMD Wholesale Program are:
- You will be able to carry our oil-free and sugar-free safe items at your business location, making it easier for your clients to purchase everything in once place.
- You can make a larger profit from selling these items in your weight loss store location. We will provide you will a Manufactures Suggest Retail Price (MSRP) of all our weight loss items, so you know what to charge your weight loss clients in order to make a good profit return on all your diet items.
- You will know that your clients are getting ONLY 100% approved items from Everything Matter Distributing, making your clients more successful in their weight loss journey.
View our wholesale products and wholesale pricing HERE or click the banner below.